Vahid Doustimajd

Vahid Doustimajd

Data Platform MVP, MCT, Data Analyst and Reporting Lead at Fulton Hogan Microsoft MVP (verified)

About Speaker

I am a Microsoft MVP, MCT, Data Analyst, and technophile engineer with over 12 years of experience in various industries and a passion for finding smart solutions. I am passionate about Power BI, DAX, Power Query, Power Automate, and MS Office, including Excel and VBA.

Power BI addict, User Group Leader, blogger, and learner.

All Sessions by Vahid Doustimajd

11:45 am - 12:30 pm

Using HTML to add cool features to your Power BI reports

In this session, I will show how to use some helpful HTML tags to take your reports to the next level. 1- How to make Power BI images/icons more interesting 2- How to embed videos inside your report 3- How to use Google Fonts in your Text Box 4- How to add some movement (scroll) to your text 5 - How to give an option to your End-Users to change the text box font size and some other excellent items that can be added to your report by using HTML.

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